When I am not busy taking care of my two energetic little boys, or working on an interior design project~ I play in the kitchen! For the last 15 years, I have been juxtaposing new flavors and ideas; it’s finally time to document my recipes...

I believe in fresh & affordable meals.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

simply de*lish indi-squash

these little suckers are so buttery and sweet they hardly need any help. but, some days (okay, most)...we like to spice it up around here. so, i put one of these in the micro ( i know, i feel bad about the micro~ but no time to use the stovetop today), cut it open...and started adding stuff. the final product was very interesting. today, "indi-squash" was born. 

1 acorn squash
1 handful of walnut pieces
1 handful of raisins
1 pinch of cinnamon
1 pinch of mild yellow curry
optional- 1/4 cooked brown rice

Make it~ SOOOO simple
wash squash. poke it on both sides with a fork. put it in the micro for 5 minutes. cut it in half. scoop out seeds. take all squash out (i like to use a fork) and put in a bowl. add all ingredients to the bowl. stir. put back in squash halves. my kids get a little sketched out by curry, but if i balance it with some honey~ they eat it. let em drizzle their own honey. 

if you want to make your recipe a bit more hearty, add some brown rice. 

One serving or one cup of acorn squash contains 145% of the daily recommended requirements for Vitamin A. It also contains Vitamin C, potassium, manganese, folate (folic acid), and 15% of the omega three fatty acids necessary to good health. It is also a good source of fiber. With all of these vitamins and minerals acorn squash has many health benefits.

The orange-yellow color in squash comes from the Vitamin A precursor. The strong presence of beta-carotene, helps reduce the possibility of lung cancer, even in smokers. Carrots have the same benefit. The beta-carotene also reduces free radicals in the body, even while reducing the chance of heart disease and colon cancer.Because it contains phytonutrients, acorn squash is thought by many to have an anti-cancer effect which is especially strong when the squash is turned into a juice. It may also promote prostate health in men by reducing symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy (a condition in which the prostate gland becomes enlarged).
Folate in acorn squash is important for a healthy body as it works to reduce homocysteine which is a byproduct of metabolism. Homocysteine can damage blood vessel walls. In this way it helps prevent heart-attacks and strokes. It is also a factor in colon health. Folic acid is also important for brain health, combining withVitamin B12 to prevent nerve damage and brain shrinkage.

thank you for the info- http://www.indepthinfo.com/acornsquash/healthbenefits.htm

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